Our Activities

Club events

All our events can be found in the club calendar. You need to be a club member to attend our events. You can find out more about our events and how to get involved using the links below.

Club sessions

You can find us on the River Thames every Saturday and Sunday morning all year around – whatever the weather! During the summer, we also run Tuesday and Thursday evening sessions. Pool sessions take place every first Saturday of the month.


We are lucky to have a dedicated squad of coaches and leaders to help members improve their paddling, learn safety and rescue skills, and try something new.


Our growing salty section can often be found checking out the gorgeous scenery along the south coast and further afield.

White water

Our whitewater kayakers head out every month for the thrills and occasional spills of up to grade four rapids. We can often be found in Wales and Devon, and sometimes in the Lakes, Scotland, and the Alps. Everyone from first timers to gnarly paddlers welcome.


Each month our intrepid explorers head off to unfamiliar waters to surprise kingfishers, review the local pubs and tea shops, and get lost in the backwaters.


These boats offer a unique paddling experience, unrivalled by any other boats. They are lighter, sleeker and faster than the rest.

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